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Urbanized Land For a Living Complex Near Piva Lake

Plužine Municipality, Montenegro

For Sale


Property Description مواصفات العقار


قطعة أرض بمساحة 5,200 م2 في مدينة بلوزين الساحرة والواقعة على بحيرة بيڤا شمال غرب الجبل الأسود., قريبة من الحدود مع دولة البوسنة والهرسك, والمدن الكبيرة والرئيسية في شمال الجبل الأسود كمدينة جابلاك ونكتشيك والمراكز للسياحة والتزلج. القطعة هي عبارة عن مجموعة قطع (15) تتراوح مساحاتها

ما بين 301 - 460 م2 ويسمح البناء فيها بحسب الترخيص 15 وحدة سكن بمجموع مساحة بناء لا تزيد عن 2,605 م2 . المساحة السكنية تتراوح ما بين 140 - 180 لكل وحدة سكن بحسب الترخيص ولا يزيد البناء عن 3 طوابق.

المدينة تبعد عن العاصمة 120 كم وعن مدن الساحل تقريبا 150 كم, تتميز بطقسها المعتدل, المناظر الطبيعية المحيطة بها, واتصالها ببحيرة بيڤا ونهر تارا الأكبر في دول البلقان, وتجذب محبي الاسترخاء والهدوء وحياة الريف والطبيعة الخلابة. في هذه البلد لا توجد منازل او فلل للبيع, كن انت السباق !!

ننصح ببناء وحدات سكنية خشبية بتكلفة 240 - 270 يورو للمتر المربع ما يعني تكلفة 650 - 750 الف يورو لبناء 30 وحدة سكن. طبعا مع الإنتهاء من بناء أول وحدة سكنية يمكن للمستثمر البدء بالبيع (وحتى قبل ذلك). هنالك فكرة ببناء 15 بيت خشبي مزدوج بمساحة 70 - 90 م2 لكل وحدة بتكلفة 21,000 يورو تقريبا, مع امكانية البيع بقيمة 40,000 يورو على الأقل, (تواصلوا معنا لتفاصيل دراستنا لهذا المشروع).


Plots of land in the urban urbanized part of the city, i n close to Lake Piva (150 meters) and the new Orthodox Church.

The total area of urbanized 15 plots = 5,200 sq m, capital construction of 15 two-three-storey buildings is allowed on them (possibly two apartmentsor twin buildings - twins, i.e., actually 30 units - apartments or cottages) with a total area of 2.605 sq m. The plots have an area from 301 to 460 sq m. On each plot, it is allowed to Build a building up to three floors and an area of 140-180 sq m.

Ideal location (flat with a slight slope,beautiful nature, panoramic views of the mountain lake, fishing for trout and grayling, rafting on the Tara River (16.5 km), the longesti n Montenegro Zip line acrossthe lake, urban communications are good

investment indicators.

It is possible to invest in stages: built two or three houses, implemented, then new construction, etc. in this area there are no houses or villas for sale - BE THE FIRST!

Turnkey cost of capita l construction - 500-600 euros I sq. M (sale - 1000 euros I sq. M), construction of a bungalow- 240-270 euros I sq. M.

The best option is the construction of 15 two - Storey bungalows of 80 sq m with further year-round operation of the tourist complex. In this case, the cost of the project will not exceed 650,000-750,000 euros.

Pluzine (Montenegrin Pluzine) is a city in the north-west of Montenegro, the administrative center of the municipality.

Population - 1343 i n habitants (2011). The municipality borders Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as the municipalities Nikšić, Žabljak (ski resort)and Shavnik in Montenegro.

Piva Monastery, built in the periodfrom 1573 to 1586 at the head of the Piva River. During the construction of the Piva

hydroelectric power station, the territory of the monastery was flooded and it was completely moved to a new place in Sign.

Church of St. John in Zagrada - built in the 15th century, during the reign of StefanVuksic, is located in Scepan Polje. This is one of the largest and most beautiful churches built by representatives of the Kosachdynasty.

Pluzine (Montenegro) is a miniature young town located in a picturesque place on the banks of the Piva reservoir, surrounded bymountain peaks. The history of this city or even rather a village began with the construction of a hydroelectric power station on the Piva River. The settlement was intended for the families of the workers of the hydroelectric power station.Its current populationis approximately 1,500.

Warm climate,picturesque mountain views, stunning beauty of an artificial reservoir with emerald-colored water dispose of a measured rest away from noise and fun, unity with nature, exciting hiking and camping.

LakePiva in Montenegro has a length of 46 km, its depth is about 200 m. In the hot season, the water temperature warms up only to +22 ° C. The lake ranks second in size in the countryand has enough fresh water for the whole of Montenegro.

Pluzine will definitely enchant nature lovers. People come here, first of all, to breathe deeply, to relax in body and soul, to enjoy the natural beauty, harmony and tranquility. SUMMER - IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO FIND AVAILABLE HOUSING FOR RENT I RENT IN PRACTICE; EVERYTHING IS RESERVED FOR MONTHS AHEAD.

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Property Details تفاصيل العقار

Property Type





5,200 m2


Year Built

Property Location  موقع العقار

Plužine Municipality, Montenegro

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